Monday, March 15, 2010


I was cleaning out my desk tonight and came across a couple sticky-notes from my counselling appointments when I was still figuring out how to cope with my limited energy and planning a move across the country as well as a wedding.  Since I have no where else to put the notes, I'll just type them up here and maybe it'll be helpful to someone.

Concern #1:  How will moving across the country affect me?
  • there are three elements to settling into a new place: recovery, adjusting and re-investing

Concern #2:  How do I survive the wedding?
  • get as much rest as possible before the wedding
  • the rehearsal dinner might be challenging; figure out a contingency plan for me to leave early (also for family/out-of-town dinner after the ceremony)
  • be seated for the receiving line?
Concern #3:  What about the honeymoon?
  • there is a recovery phase we have to allow for when capacity will be minimal; plan for lots of rest
Concern #4:  How do I know I'm ready to go back to work?  How can I think about this in small steps?
  • practice musing:  a non-pressured, no deadline type of thinking about the future
  • ask myself: what captures my heart?
  • take steps to build my confidence; eg, try specific projects or experiences rather than take on entire roles
And one final thought:  there are two types of encouragement, one is from the side and one is from out front.  The more helpful kind is the side-by-side kind.