Sunday, February 8, 2009


I realized tonight that at the core of it all, my struggle is to truly believe that God loves me. I find it easier to believe that He loves other people (like Tim, or friends, or even strangers) more than He loves me. Incredible, I know. But I think this is another root of my burnout and tendency to ignore my own needs. It can easily masquerade as "self-sacrifice" but I think some of those decisions come from a place of insecurity rather than freedom in love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with you that insecurity sometimes is our problem because we forgot that we're valuable to Christ as an individual. A quote from '~as an olive tree grows~'

"I used to think that Christ is the only valuable part of me. But if I was not valuable without Christ, He would not have died for me. Now that I have Christ, I am not more valuable, but I can truly live out my value and no longer be concerned about proving it."
