Monday, December 13, 2010


Three years ago today, I boarded what I will remember as my "rescue flight" and headed back to Canada after burning out in Asia.  I was considering closing this blog to commemorate the occasion but as I thought about it, I realized I still have content for a few more posts.  So I won't close it for now.  Instead, I will write.

I have died the same deaths many times in the last few years.  My need for achievement, my perfectionist tendencies, the way I keep pushing myself to exhaustion; these old ways of striving have all had to die - over and over and over and over.  And even today, I cannot say they are dead.  Like a trick candle, the flame keeps flickering back.  And I suspect it will continue - for a while yet.

But just as much as I have died, I have also lived.  I have encountered grace in those moments of weakness.  I have experienced love in its limitlessness each time I have caught myself relentlessly straining, and being all spent, flopped back onto Jesus' lap to rest my head on his chest. 

I am learning that it's okay to have this embarrassing trick candle on my cake.  It's part of who I am.  And I suspect it's one of those things that draws out God's affection for me.  Like he's grinning at me and saying, "Oh, Olive..."



Anonymous said...

Please don't stop sharing the wisdom and truths God is teaching you. It helps people like me! :)

afro-chick said...

i enjoyed this post. (:
