Saturday, December 15, 2007


I had a really neat conversation with my dad tonight. He was responding to my previous post about worthiness. I had written that I don't understand why I don't feel my own worth. He gave me this analogy:

Suppose you have a 5 dollar bill and a 10 dollar bill. They are both made of a sheet of paper. Who says how much that paper is worth? Does the bill say how much it's worth? No. The mint, or the creator of the bill, determines how much that slip of paper is worth. Can the bill ever understand how much it's worth? Again, no. It takes a third party to recognize its worth.

In the same way, it is difficult for me to understand my own worth. God, my Creator, has already determined my worth and somehow, it isn't until I can step away from myself and look at myself from the outside that I can start to grasp just how valuable He thinks I am.

Now let's take the 5 dollar bill analogy further: If I hand you a crisp, new and clean 5 dollar bill, how much is it worth? 5 dollars. Now what if I crumple the bill, spit on it and stomp on it a few times? Now how much is it worth? That's right. Still 5 dollars. The worth of an object is given to it from an external source - it's creator.

No matter how I feel or what I've been through, my worth is also determined by external source - my Creator.

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