Saturday, February 23, 2008


Sometime in the 90's (or was it late 80's?), I remember being taught the slogan at school. This was also around the time each home got a recycling bin. It was drilled into our heads that in order to save the environment, we had to "Reduce, Re-use and Recycle."

This past week, I learned another 3 R's. These three have to do with the post-burnout process.

  • Rest
  • Recovery
  • Renewal

According to my counselor (who is really a God-send and has been doing this type of thing for over 30 years), a healthy way of looking at time for someone coming out of burn-out is to split the year into 3 month chunks of time (eg, first 3 months is just resting and the next 3 months can start into recovery). He also said it usually takes a person 2 years before they are completely symptom free and ready to take on a full load again.

Burnout is relatively simple to treat, he told me at the end of our first session, it just requires a lot of patience from the person going through it. No kidding! I'm only 2 months into this and I'm already feeling antsy. Lord, have mercy! ;)

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